Top 5 Reasons to Drink More Water This Summer

by Tara Campbell & Elizabeth M. Madison

All living things need water to survive. Humans need water to survive and thrive. Our bodies are made up of a large percentage of water. Women are approximately 55% water, men are 60%. Babies are 70% at birth. When we drink enough water, our bodies function optimally. Here are some of the many benefits of drinking plenty of water and staying hydrated this summer!

Top 5 Reasons to Drink More Water This Summer

Here are a few more to motivate you to increase your water intake:

  1. May lower blood pressure: Staying hydrated can help the heart pump effectively and help maintain healthy blood pressure. Research shows dehydration can change the way the body regulates blood pressure during rest, exercise, or while standing up. Feeling dizzy during these activities may mean you are not drinking enough water.
  2. May improve brain performance: The brain has a higher than average water content, containing 73% water. Studies have shown that cognition can be impaired by dehydration, especially in children and older adults. Cognition includes our ability to stay focused, remember things in the short and long term, and solve complex problems. So, if you are feeling a little fuzzy-headed or have brain fog, a glass of water may help!
  3. May reduce joint pain: Water is part of the fluid that lubricates your joints and helps us move easily while providing a cushion at the end of the bones. Drinking enough water ensures there is enough fluid to prevent friction and pain while exercising or moving. Dehydration in the short-term may cause joint pain and in the long term may contribute to loss of function in the joints
  4. May help with physical performance during exercise: Speaking of joints, water can aid in maximizing performance during exercise. Water is essential to keep your muscles and joints working optimally during exercise, and to keep energy levels high. Dehydration during exercise can decrease your body’s ability to control your temperature and energy levels. This can sap your motivation for the activity. That is why it is especially important to drink plenty of water while exercising in the summer heat.
  5. May aid in weight loss or management: Drinking enough water helps you feel full and can reduce your calorie intake. We tend to mistake thirst for hunger, thus we may consume more food when what we really need is more water.

Top 5 Reasons to Drink More Water This Summer

Here are three strategies that have proven to be effective for weight loss:

  • Increase daily water intake. Be conscious about how many bottles of water you are drinking. Start as soon as you get out of bed for a good head start.
  • Replace caloric beverages (i.e., soda or juice) with water. Change up the taste with water enhancers (see Products of the Month section).
  • Drink a glass of water before a meal.
  • Swap your calorie-dense beverages (soda, iced tea, blended iced coffee drinks) with water, seltzer, herbal teas, etc. This strategy was rated as the most effective.

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