Are Headband Wigs Practical?

Are Headband Wigs Practical?

Styles change, moods change, and we want our looks to change with them. Yet, who has time to spend at the salon or hours to try and duplicate the salon look at home? Not very many of us!

With regular wigs, you have to deal with smelly glue and time to try and make it sit right on your head. Then, make adjustments in the restroom when you should be focused on work or having a good time.  

If we stop to smell the roses, we have to give up something else! The fact is that the old days of being able to spend hours getting ready for work or a night out are long gone, at least for most of us.

This new, modern, fast-paced world is not without some benefits. You can still express your style and eat dinner, too! Want to know how? Keep reading!

Not all wigs require that stinky glue and glue remover. Some make use of clips and clasps that pinch and poke. What a choice! Smell like a glue factory or get poked and prodded while you attach a wig to your head.

Well, I found a better way and am thrilled to share it with you. Welcome to the amazing headband wigs!

Headband wig? What’s that?

The convenience of a stretchy, comfortable headband sewn into a wig. Sounds simple enough, right? It is pretty much that simple. Some have a strap as well that you can adjust and use for added security if desired.

No more pokes and pinches to attach a wig for a night out. Instead, you can slip a headband wig on in moments. The simple stretchable band is as simple to put on as a sports headband but with more style.

For someone who values their time as I do, headband wigs are amazing time savers. I keep one by the front door. When I am home trying to relax or get some much-needed cleaning done, and someone shows up unannounced, I can throw that wig on!

The headband means no sewing or gluing is needed. I can change hairstyles with my mood or event. This simplicity has won me over. My traditional wigs see less use nowadays.

Some of the Advantages of Headband Wigs:


Unlike many other wigs, there is no learning curve with headband wigs. Instead of hours or days trying to glue or clip on a wig and still have it not stay put with headband wigs, it is as simple as slipping it on!

Scalp Protection:

While people are more sensitive to chemicals and additives than ever before with the headband wig, I avoid smelly glues and rough wig materials that irritate my scalp. I find the softness reassuring, and the firm fit of the headband gives me the confidence of knowing my wig is still straight!

With so many people suffering from allergies and disliking strong odors, the use of wig adhesives has become more of a social concern than ever before. With headband wigs, there is no odor to worry about.

Time Efficiency:

Pick it up, slip it on, shift it so it sits just right, and DONE!

With my other wigs, I spend more time adjusting and fixing the wig than I do putting on my makeup and clothes together. I simply do not have the luxury of wasting that much time. I have more important demands on my time.

Traveling with my headband wigs is simpler as well. I do not have to pack clips, glue, glue removers, or other items to make my wig usable. Instead, I packed my headband wig, knowing it would be ready when I needed it. But remember the toothbrush!

Pack a couple of different headband wigs when you travel. You never know when a new look will be called for. With color, length, and style ready to change in moments, your hair is ready for any occasion!

I love the sense of security that I gain from knowing my headband wig is not going anywhere! The feeling of the headband allows me to know my wig is on straight, and if I scratch and move it well, I can shift it back in a moment with one nudge.

Lightweight and Breathable:

I have never found a wig that is easier to wear than my headband wigs. This is no exaggeration. Because they are attached to the headband and not some heavy coarse material, the hair hangs naturally, and the wig is lighter.

The lighter weight in the heat of summer is a blessing. In winter, I love being able to wear a stocking cap without fear of pulling my natural hair when I remove it. The lighter weight also helps with the headaches that some people get from wearing traditional wigs.

Sweat trapped under traditional wigs is impossible to relieve because of the glue or clips holding the wig on. With a headband wig, I can slip into my car or a restroom and slip my wig off, dry my scalp, and have my headband wig back on in no time.

At the same time, the headband itself helps keep my head and scalp cooler.


My cheapest glue-in wig cost me more than my most expensive headband wig. I love being able to have more styles and hair colors to choose from. While some of my other wigs are still nice for some occasions, it is my headband wigs that see the most use.

Even if the headband wigs cost me more than they do, the fact that they see more use would make up for it. For me, they are a better investment.

Are Headband Wigs Practical?

There are a few Disadvantages to Headband Wigs

Limited Styling Options:

The headband that makes headband wigs what they are also limits the styling possibilities. When you select a headband wig, the style it comes with is pretty much the only style it offers. The good thing is you can afford to get more than one headband wig to expand your styling choices.

Scalp Exposure:

These wigs are not as heavy and full as other wig types. This can leave some thin or uncovered areas. It is important to try them on in person to make sure they offer the coverage and style you want before you commit to them.

Check out a local store for the personal experience that makes them the go-to brand in hair extensions and wigs.

Reduced Natural Feel:

The headband is obvious while you are wearing it. I find this reassuring since I know how the wig is sitting on my head at all times. However, some people find this disconcerting.

Ways to Wear a Headband Wig

  • Start by reducing the bulk of your hair. This can be done by braiding or coiling your natural hair.
  • A wig cap can simplify the process of prepping your hair for a wig.
  • Lean towards the headband wig. Be sure the open end is aimed at you.
  • Slide the wig onto your head. You want the headband to sit on your forehead.
  • If your headband wig has straps, you want to keep them comfortably firm. They will be adjustable, and take your time to ensure a good fit.
  • Wallah! Now, admire your new style in the mirror. Make any adjustments needed, and you are ready to shine!

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